Scream Cream: Prescription Strength Orgasms

woman holding scream cream
woman holding scream cream

When it comes to sexual satisfaction, women’s desires have taken a backseat to men’s for too long. There have been plenty of options for men’s sexual enhancement for decades, while women have had to quietly live with subpar sexual experiences.

Finally in the last couple of years, there have been more discussions and research into female Viagra™ and female sexual enhancement pills, using similar ingredients to mens’ pills, like Tadalafil.

But there’s another option designed specifically for women, and once you read some Scream Cream reviews, you’ll only wish that you had heard of Scream Cream sooner. It’s a topical sexual enhancer for women that gives them the increased stimulation, satisfying sex, and consistent orgasms that they deserve.

Biggest Challenges to Female Libido


Before taking the plunge and figuring out whether a Scream Cream prescription is right for you, it’s important to figure out the source or sources of sexual dissatisfaction. There are many compounding factors that could determine feelings of sexual dissatisfaction, and very few of them mean that there’s something seriously or permanently wrong. By learning about the links between certain aspects of your health and your sexual health, you may find that it will be easier to achieve the sex life of your dreams than you would think.

Mental health

One of the most common factors harming female sexual satisfaction is mental health, on a variety of fronts. 

There may be learned hang-ups about sex, past traumas, and even anxiety and depression that aren’t directly linked to sex can lower libido and decrease stimulation. This can lead to a vicious circle in thinking that a lack of sexual desire and satisfaction can make a woman feel like there’s something wrong with them, causing further deterioration to their mental state.

This is why female sexual enhancement is not simply about an orgasm, but can also help overall mental health.


Some medications can be responsible for lowering libido, especially those that interfere with hormones. Medications that help with anxiety and depression can lower libido, as well as hormonal birth control.

The good news is, you don’t have to choose between life-saving medications and sexual satisfaction. You can truly optimize your health as well as your sexual health through carefully tailored health enhancements.

Body Issues

Body issues can harm female sexual satisfaction both directy and indirectly. If you’re not feeling good in your body, it can be hard to allow yourself to relax and enjoy a sexual experience. Also, if you’re not getting enough exercise, you can tire easily and feel less comfortable and energetic, leading to less satisfying sexual experiences.

Recent Pregnancy

Along the same lines as issues with your body, recent pregnancy and childbirth can diminish a woman’s libido. Going through pregnancy and childbirth can be exhausting and fundamentally alter your body and hormones in ways that are hard to predict. Your libido can lower due to hormonal changes, or a feeling of being less comfortable in your body post-pregnancy.


While some women use intoxicants such as alcohol to relax during sex, it can actually have a numbing effect on your sensitive nerves, and well as your mental experience of sexual enjoyment. If intoxication is a regular part of your sexual routine, you may find that while you may temporarily feel more relaxed, it’s much more difficult to reach orgasm. Also, alcohol is a depressant, and therefore can have emotional effects that lower sexual satisfaction.


Unfortunately, one aspect outside of your control is your age. As women age, they tend to produce less natural lubrication, which can make it more difficult to enjoy sex. Age can also affect hormones, feeling comfortable in your body, and overall sexual desire in detrimental ways.

Why Female Sexual Enhancement Matters


Sexual satisfaction for women is not just optional. A healthy, happy sex life is a crucial component to an overall well-balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

A Scream Cream prescription should be the safe, easy way to begin exploring a more thrilling and satisfactory sex life, without side effects or big lifestyle changes.

Consequences of Libido Problems in Women

Like we mentioned earlier, libido problems in women can compound and spiral, with negative cascading effects on mental, physical, and emotional health. It’s so important to live a well-rounded life, anof which sexual satisfaction is a huge component.

Because women’s sexual satisfction and female sexual enhancement has been such a tabooo topic for so long, many womencan feel like there’s something wrong with them when they’re not having the sexual experiences portrayed in the media. However, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting a little help to optimize your sexual experiences and achieve the satisfying, pleasurable sexual sensations that you deserve.

Long Story Short…

Having a healthy sex life is a good thing. 

Pleasureable, stimulating sex and consistent orgasms should not be thought of as out-of-reach fairy tales that only a lucky few women can achieve. 

Instead, products like female Viagra™ and testimonials like those found in scream cream reviews indicate that there’s a healthy, accessible approach for women with a variety of relationships with sex to be able to gain satisfaction.

How to Increase Female Libido Instantly 

While the idea of a female Viagra™ pill is appealing to some women, it can be a little intimidating to others. If you’re beginning a journey of achieving sexual satisfaction like never before, an easy, approachable, and effective way to do so is through a scream cream prescription.

As a topical product, it will have minimal side effects for maximal results.

Topical Cialis™ aka Viagra™ for Women

Tadalafil is a well-researched sexual health mainstay for men, commonly known by the brand name Cialis™. We typically think of Cialis™ as an oral medication, or sexual enhancement pills for men.

However, topical Cialis™ has been shown to have incredible topical applications to help enhance women’s sexual health, as well.

How Tadalafil for Women Works

Tadalafil is an FDA approved PDE5 inhibitor, like sildenafil (generic Viagra™). The efficacy of PDE5 inhibitors as sexual health products was discovered accidentally. When researchers were testing PDE5 inhibitors to determine if they could treat angina and hypertension, they found that PDE5 inhibitors also helped to treat erectile dysfunction, an increasingly common problem.

PDE5 inhibitors work by inhibiting their namesake enzyme in muscle cells of blood vessels. When this enzyme is inhibited, the degradation of cGMP slows down, which leads to cGMP buildup in vascular smooth muscles, allowing the blood vessels to more easily dilate. In men, this leads to a more prolonged erection.

Blood vessel dilation is also extremely beneficial to women. When the vessels dilate in the vagina, the clitoris can become more physiologically aroused, the entire area more sensitive to stimulation, leading to increased pleasure during sex and easier orgasms. This is because relaxed vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle of the vagina is naturally caused by neurotransmitters during female arousal. By dilating blood vessels, the muscles are relaxed in accordance with arousal, improving sexual function.

Through topical application, women can enjoy the benefits of increased sensitivity and stimulation on their erogenous zone with minimal side effects.

Prescription Scream Cream: Pleasure on Demand


While a female Viagra™ pill may seem like the holy grail for female sexual enhancement, the topical application of tadalafil has different but still phenomenal benefits from the oral application of the medicine.

How Scream Cream Boosts Pleasure

Scream Cream can almost instantly boost pleasure for women. Through a quick and easy application directly on sensitive vaginal areas the tadalafil can be absorbed and begin working right away, increasing stimulation and sensitivity even before the fun begins.

How Scream Cream Boosts Libido 

Not only can Scream Cream increase pleasure in sexual activity, it can actually help to boost libido. Through stimulating a physiological sexual response, tadalafil can have cascading physical effects that increase feelings of sexual desire. Put simply, if your body is feeling stimulated and sexual, it will be easier for your mind to follow.

How Scream Cream Increases Intensity and Frequency of Orgasms

Scream Cream reviews abound with stories of re-awakening sexual desires, increased pleasure during sex, and consistent orgasms for women who once found climax elusive.

When using Scream Cream, your increased physiological response to sexual activity can have a cascading effect, helping to increase natural lubrication and increase clitoral stimulation, which is one of the most reliable ways for women to reach orgasm.

You Deserve to Be Heard with Scream Cream

If you’re still wondering how to increase female libido instantly, you should know that any sexual enhancement product won’t be a one-size-fits-all solution, but that a Scream Cream prescription may be the perfect place to start.

By giving your body a physiological boost, sex can be fun instead of frustrating, pleasurable instead of awkward, and satisfying instead of leaving you unfulfilled. 

If you’re ready to take control over your sexual satisfaction with an easy, fast-acting, and minimally invasive medication, then Scream Cream could definitely be right for you.

Our board-certified/credentialed healthcare professionals are here to walk you through the prescription process, and make sure that you’re safely and effectively optimizing your life. Modern medicine has put your health back into your hands, and Scream Cream is an astonishingly effective solution for women who are ready to say yes to the best sex of their lives.

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